G Clef Bridge | ZZHK Architects

G Clef Bridge is located in the core area of the Bailu Music Tourist Area in Bailu Town, within the Longmen Mountains of Chengdu, Sichuan, China. The Bailu Music Tourist Area spans 2.9 square kilometers and is 60 kilometers from downtown Chengdu. It is a national 4A-level tourist attraction known for its rich historical and cultural resources. The area includes renowned sites such as the Annunciation Seminary, the Sino-French Friendship Bridge, the Old Street of Bailu Town, the “most impressive teaching building” at the 5.12 earthquake site, and the geological wonder of Flying Peak.

G Clef Bridge

© Arch-Exist

G Clef Bridge spans the Bailu River, connecting the French-style Bailu Music Town on the east bank with the modern, metallic Diamond Music Hall on the west bank. The bridge is located 550 meters downstream from the historic Sino-French Bridge site. The design employs fluid curves to establish a connection between the two banks and to harmonize the contrasting architectural styles. The main bridge deck extends from the “ridge path” of the Diamond Music Hall, winding across the river. It then utilizes a spiral ramp to rise over the riverside road, reaching the small open-air stage of the music town. The spiral ramp further extends upwards to form an aerial viewing platform, which also serves as a high stand for outdoor performances at the Diamond Music Hall, and downwards to integrate with the riverside landscape, forming a waterfront platform.

G Clef Bridge

Spiral rings

Inspired by the treble clef of the musical staff and the swirling of water, G Clef Bridge embodies the core elements of the music-themed tourist area, revolving around the “Melody of Water” theme to create a unique bridge design. The structure integrates two winding bridge decks and double spiral viewing platforms. The pedestrian pathways connect at multiple points, providing a smooth, continuous experience. The spiral ramp and waterfront platform offer multi-level, 360-degree panoramic views. Additional features include a floating stage for live performances, partial glass bridge decks inspired by the local historical “Broken Bridge,” and an integrated riverside waterfall landscape. The bridge provides a novel, stimulating, and immersive walking experience that strongly attracts visitors. The night lighting design further enhances the visual impact of the bridge, adding movement and rhythm, making it a focal point of the area’s nightscape.

G Clef Bridge

Section 02

From its inception, G Clef Bridge was envisioned as more than just a pedestrian bridge connecting the music town and the Diamond Music Hall. Through its ingenious and unique structural design, it has become an iconic architectural landmark, continually drawing visitors and serving as a key attraction in the Bailu Music Tourist Area.

Project Info:

  • Architects: ZZHK Architects
  • Country: Chengdu, China
  • Area: 2290 m²
  • Year: 2023
  • Photographs: Arch-Exist
  • Manufacturers:  ANLTKaichuanKinlongLaisi
  • Structural Design: Sichuan Provincial Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd.
  • Landscape Design: Chengdu ZZHK Architects Co., Ltd., Sichuan Guangde Architectural Design Co., Ltd., Sichuan Architectural Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd.
  • Construction Contractor: Southwest Branch of CSCEC Xinjiang Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd.
  • Lighting Design: Sichuan Bohe Tiansheng Cultural Technology Co., Ltd.

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