Gdansk World War II Museum | KWADRAT Studio Architektoniczne

Exhibiting both presence and absence, the winning proposal for a World War II Museum by KWADRAT Studio Architektoniczne, stands in dedication of both what was lost and what if anything corporeal, was gained as a result of the terrible conflict that tore through Gdansk, Poland.

photography by © Pawel Paniczko

A red coloured mass projects skyward, standing as a beacon drawing visitors towards the museum. The exterior walls exhibit signs of struggle in the form of pockmarks reminiscent of bullet holes. The ground opens up to receive this ‘cannon barrel’ as it shoots past adjacent elements of the program.

Fissures run through the complex both interior and exterior, creating the sense of something missing. This absence is itself a tangible substance which wraps around and through floors that exist themselves as data- data which has been displaced or or misplaced for so long that the absence surrounding them has become as important as the data themselves.

photography by © Pawel Paniczko