We know Calatrava for his unique and elegant style. He is famous for his bridges that combine structure with a sculpturesque touch. Calatrava has designed a red and white tubular structure, an aesthetic quite unlike of his earlier works for Calgary, Canada. The footbridge will cross the Bow River and will aid approximately 5,000 people a day commuting in and out of the city on foot or on bike.
The bright red bridge will be 130 meters long and its helix design lacks the soaring masts, steel cables and a symmetrical design typical of a Calatrava project. It will also be covered in glass allowing Canadians to use the bridge throughout the year and open side panels for air circulation.
Bicycle lanes are positioned in the center and pedestrian lanes on either side separated by a curb. The bridge space is elevated with linear lighting integrated into the structure of the bridge and the handrail supported by linear wayfinding illumination at floor level. Light elements below the deck pick out the sculptural appearance of the underside of the bridge during the night creating graceful reflections of the bridge in the water below.
The bridge’s tubular form is a successful design solution as it could not have piers in the riverbed or vertical elements. Calatrava described it repeatedly as a ‘human bridge’, one he envisions in what he called ‘Canadian red’, in a nod to our flag, but also to make it stand out in winter and summer.
“For me, it’s a highlight, because I have never done a bridge like that. Seemingly simplistic at first glance, the Peace Bridge is a highly technical bridge. I use the ‘Canadian red’ color because it contrasts with the city’s white winters and complements the autumn leaves. The end result will be an awe-inspiring horizontal landmark that pays homage to both the people of Calgary and their environment”, Calatrava stated.
Project Information :
Architect : Santiago Calatrava
Location : Calgary, Canada
Project Year : 2009
Bridge length : 130 meters
Bridge Width : 6.2 meters