Donald Trump’s House: As Americans try to come to terms with the astonishing prospect that Donald Trump is the new U.S. president, and before he moves into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, we were excited to know what properties will he leave behind? And to peek inside Obama’s post-presidential house.
Donald Trump is one of the most well-known real estate moguls in the world, he is well-known in the real estate world and has sold some of the most expensive properties in the U.S.The Trump Organization real estate portfolio includes properties in Virginia, Illinois, Florida, New Jersey, Nevada, California, New York, Connecticut and Hawaii.
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Where do Donald Trump’s live?
From his New York City penthouse to his winery, Trump also owns Seven Springs, a huge mansion outside New York in the upmarket hamlet of Bedford, which boasts 60 rooms, two servants’ wings, 15 bedrooms, three swimming pools and 230 acres of land. There’s another mansion in rural Virginia, a huge house on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills and a vast waterside pile at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida.
Nearly Everything in Gold in the Donald Trump’s House:
Did we also mention how much Trump likes gold? He got a fully functional 18-carat solid Gold toilet instead of a Van Gogh painting. Nearly everything in the penthouse from the platters and vases to the lamps and even the crown molding is accentuated with 24 karat gold that offers a gorgeous backdrop to some of Trump’s favorite classical art and décor. Without shying away from personal touches like family portraits and crested pillows, the home has a strong Greek influence with Athenian style vases, a bronze statue of Eros and Psyche as well as a painting of Apollo led by Aurora, the goddess of dawn.
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let’s take a look at Donald Trump’s opulent Manhattan Penthouse that Donald Trump affectionately calls “home.” ! Are you ready? Let’s get started!
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