This proposal is another competition entry for the design of the Taichung City Cultural Center, this time by Maxthreads Architectural Design & Planning. Taichung established this competition to distinguish itself from the other major Taiwanese cities and to promote the arts and culture will be at the core of Taichung’s new urban identity. In Maxthreads design for the public hub defining the northern arrival gateway to Taichung Gateway Park, they wished to create an unconventional and exceptional gathering space for visitors and inhabitants utilizing the city’s philosophy of combining nature and innovative technology.
Several inverted cones make up the center, all of various diameters and heights, each defining a new unique space and purpose. Incorporating interactive, mixed-use public spaces, the forms establish a new typology of library and fine arts museum that Maxthreads have termed ‘The Galibrary.’ The architectural expression for the Galibrary is inspired by the mountain-scape of Taroko Gorge National Park in Taiwan.The landforms created that make up the cultural center inspire the idea of a gateway to a landscape beyond through the use of dramatic multi-level void spaces. With this design, Maxthreads wanted to focus on creating a strong relationship between the exterior and interior public spaces, integrating it all into the Taichung Gateway Park to form an iconic visual corridor or threshold.The revived, vibrant public space also includes the incorporation of culture, education, tourism, environmental conservation, carbon reduction, energy conservation, and sustainability.

Courtesy of Maxthreads