Hooopha! I mean- How You doin’?! This is the UNIRE/UNITE urban intervention by Urban Movement Design- the winner of the 2012 Young Architects Program (YAP). Located in Rome, it is a response to the current health crisis which is presenting itself to humanity as a result of our technological progression as well as, to a lesser extent- our built environment.
The architects state, ‘All of nature acts according to the law of interconnectedness, but humankind has moved away from this natural law and into an unnatural state of self-interest and isolation.’
With a location near MAXXI plaza and forms of CNC routed marine ply interlaced with smooth concrete forms, the UNIRE/UNITE project stands as a stark suggestion away from the mundanities of everyday urban life. The topography which runs across the installation is derived from yoga, incorporation a multitude of possible body configurations and poses meant to activate, strengthen, cleanse, and balance the body and mind.
Forms interesting to the mind which are both occupational and climactical wind their way in organic lines- spinal extensions project off of the seating apparati and propel a mist to cool users. It is a project both proposition and encouraging. So go. Get off the internet. … but first read a few more ArcH2O articles.

Courtesy of Urban Movement Design