Яндекс Одесса is a headquarters in Odessa for Russian search engine Яндекс (pronounced Yandex), by Za Bor Architects of Moscow. The firm currently has no linking from the english side of their website, but that I will not let stop me. I can’t speak of program or thoughts by architects or conditions of site.
So this will be short and sweet and filled with images of interior context and juxtaposition of materials. Hard, industrial surfaces are infused with modern, vibrant colours and what seems to be a little playfulness.
A wall opening reminiscent of Scarpa’s Brion-Vega Cemetery, acts with a skewed wall beyond to create a cinematic moment of ‘perhaps I am looking through a great lens’. One great thing about this project is the ceilings. They aren’t drop ceilings! Well, actually, I suppose they technically are ‘dropped’ from the ceiling. Fabric is stretched over triangular frames which act as shades and diffusers for overhead fluorescent tubes. Soft light, produced by a soft material probably makes this a great place to work as well as visit.