Have you ever been watching a movie or reading a novel, and then you came upon this beautiful place and felt like, “This is the dream?” Well, I don’t doubt it. There are loads of fictional cities which were the setting for the most exciting events and the home to our most beloved characters. We would keep wondering if we could meet them and share their adventure, and sometimes we would even wish to live in their worlds if only they were real.
Fictional Cities
Undoubtedly, there are many imaginary cities, and we are relieved they are just that. It’s safe to say you won’t have a good time in Wonderland due to the total absence of law enforcement and adherence to no physical principles whatsoever. However, there are also those magical countries and quaint imaginary places that make us wish we could one day travel there. Here we introduce you to some of these magnificent cities. Take a look and maybe wish upon a star.
1. Orbit City, Jetsons
Were you one of those kids who used to watch The Jetsons and think, “Why can’t we fly to school and have a robot maid too?” Orbit City, where the Jetsons family lived, is a future Earth city in which all the buildings rise in the sky on very high columns as if floating. Those buildings were illustrated in the Googie architectural style, a modern futurist style influenced by car culture and the space age. George Jetson used to drive his family in a flying car that could be folded into a briefcase and drop them at their destinations in glass pods. The vibrant colors and the round forms make the city seem catchy and playful.
2. Emerald City, The Wizard of Oz
Or were you mesmerized by the iconic Emerald City from The Wizard of Oz? We all remember that scene where Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, and the Cowardly Lion follow the yellow brick road to Emerald City to see the Wizard of Oz. As it turns out, the illusions and lies behind the all-green and bright city couldn’t make it any less fascinating and memorable.
Also Read: How Visions of Futuristic Architecture Have Transformed in 100 Years
3. Kingsbury, Howl’s Moving Castle
Not as well-known as the Land of Oz but no less fascinating is the Land of Ingary, “Where such things as seven-league boots and cloaks of invisibility really exist.” Ingary’s capital, Kingsbury, where the royal palace resides, is the wealthiest city. It has some enchantingly colorful and extravagant buildings topped in gold. The architecture in some parts of the city resembles the picturesque French town of Colmar. On top of that, there is a chance you might spot Howl’s moving castle. If you are a young lady, be careful he doesn’t eat your heart.
4. Hogsmeade Village, Harry Potter
Let’s continue the magical theme and enter the dreamy world of Harry Potter. Hogsmeade is not exactly among the fictional cities but is Britain’s only all-wizard village. The cozy little town contains cottages, shops, and pubs like Zonko’s Joke Shop and Honeydukes. It is also known for its supposedly haunted Shrieking Shack. The students of Hogwarts arrive at Hogsmeade’s train station and then cross the lake and take the road to Hogwarts. Have you gotten your letter yet?
5. Rivendell, Lord of the Rings
Now, in a parallel universe, or maybe somewhere far away in the same galaxy, particularly in Middle-Earth, is the beautiful Elven town, Rivendell. “The Last Homely House, East of the Sea” lies on the edge of a narrow valley, hidden in the moor and foothill of the Misty Mountains. The exquisite architecture of Rivendell is a variation of Art Nouveau that blends well with the natural context. The overall image is charming and visually soothing.
6. Atlantis, Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Plato’s sunken island inspired numerous literary, Utopian works and the animated movie Atlantis: The Lost Empire. However, in the film, the heart of Atlantis was saved by a crystal barrier, to be later found by Milo Thatch, a linguist, and cartographer from New York. The city’s architecture in the animated movie is a simple classic depiction; however, this is not how everyone imagines it. Many archaeologists and historians would like to believe the city is real, and their images of it quietly vary.
The documentary film Atlantis – The Lost City tries to crack the mystery of Atlantis. The city they imagine is more complex, resembling the Acropolis of Athens since the Greek Philosopher Plato was the one who first mentioned it after. Some others went wild with their imagination and pictured a futuristic city with advanced technology beyond our time.
7. Shangri-La, Lost Horizon
Here is another fictional Utopia initially introduced in James Hamilton’s novel Lost Horizon. Shangri-la is a magical harmonious city in the Himalayas. It is believed to be an “Earthly Heaven.” The city is isolated from the outside world, and its people are always happy, living long life spans, making them close to immortal.
It is believed that the idea of Shangri-La was initially taken from the Buddhist mystical kingdom Shambhala. Shangri-La was used in many other fictional works, including the American Sci-fi movie Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow, whose depiction of the city was quite dazzling.
8. Tomorrowland – Tomorrowland
The Futuristic city of Tomorrowland, featured in the 2015 Disney movie, may seem like a future city, but it is just in another dimension. The city gathers all the creative people: scientists, artists, and such, and lets them create a secret place free of politics, bureaucracy, and greed. The cityscape features light-colored high towers surrounded by orbits and floating spheres.
On a closer look, you can see the organic fluid forms of buildings, topped by green roofs, and the Skyscrapers connected by orbits for air-born transportation. In the center, there is a multi-layered water park. The whole city seems to be floating on the water’s surface. The atmosphere in the city is so lively and cheery; you would want to be there instantly.
9. Asgard, Thor (film)
Asgard is the home of Gods from Norse Mythology. It may not be exactly a city, but it is a state-sized, steroid-like, planetary body floating because of its dense and durable material. Many artists have illustrated Asgard based on the descriptions from Norse mythology, but the one we are familiar with the most is the depiction from Marvel’s Thor movies. The city features grandiose, glimmering architecture, sculptured rock buildings, and elegant spires surrounding Odin and his sons’ huge pipe organ-like palace. All the greatness cannot fail to fascinate you.
10. Cloud City, Star Wars
Now, not in a parallel universe and not on Earth but in the far future on the fictional planet Bespin of the Star Wars universe. If you are a Star Wars fan, then you have probably liked the busy capital of the galaxy, Coruscant, or marveled at the enchanting city of Otoh Gunga, but did you imagine how life would be in the floating city?
Rising above the clouds of Bespin, Cloud City is not only a mining colony for the Tibbana gas but also a politically free city that strived to be hidden from authorities. The upper levels of the city have a tourist district with luxurious hotels and casinos. The stories below are occupied by housing areas, administrative offices, private industrial zones, gas refineries, and engines, in that order.
A unique enchantment may be found in stories’ settings, be they film, television, or a well-written novel. In fictional cities, You go somewhere else from where you currently reside, whether in another country, city, or even small town. As such, we can use these fantastic settings as a welcome distraction from the real world. And the list goes on. So, where would you rather live or maybe go on your next vacation?