When watching your favorite TV series, sometimes you wish you could see these houses or apartments you enjoyed watching so much to be brought to life. Four years ago Spanish interior designer Iñaki Aliste Lizarralde created a floor plan for one of his favorite TV shows, Frasier. Later on, upon the request of his friends, he started making floor plans for other shows. Requests increased to involve many other series like Friends and extended to movies like “Up”.
Iñaki used pencil colors, cardboard, ink, and markers, instead of interior design software programs, to make these plans less technical. He simplified the floorplans so that ordinary people can understand them. That is why he made some modifications like adding furniture and color to give life to the drawings.

Other designers followed suit with colorful, almost alive plan drawings for apartments and houses from other popular TV series. The poster-ready set by Homes.com includes some of the latest hits like Sherlock, Mr. Robot, and Stranger Things.