3D Printed Lamps | Robert Debbane

3D Printed Lamps

This is a design where traditional ancient art meets contemporary technology and voila! Brooklyn based designer Robert Debbane has created a series of stunning 3D printed lamps. The artist’s work is strongly inspired by the Islamic tile patterns found in his ancestral home in Sidon, Lebanon, forms found in nature, and images of outer-space. Through his artwork, Debbane has created designs which have a near sculptural quality to them. Sections of the lamp design are printed in ABS plastic and partly in Nylon, their thickness depending on the amount of light that needs to pass through the lamp to re-create the geometric patterns. In an unlit mode, the lamps are reminiscent of ancient relief sculptures, whereas in contrast, upon illumination, the intricate tessellations are dramatically revealed.By: Priyanka Shah

Edited by: Zeynab Matar
