8 Ways to Make Commercial Buildings More Accessible

Big shopping malls and commercial buildings can be some of the most inaccessible places for people with disabilities.  Studies show that only 18% of commercial buildings in the United States are accessible and it’s not getting better! It’s time we make a change.

Here are 8 ways to make commercial buildings more accessible for people with disabilities:

1. Install ramps and curb cuts

It’s the most obvious, but also the most important. Without an easy way to get in and out of a building, it’s impossible for someone with a disability to enter. Make sure that your commercial property has accessible entrances and exits.

2. Provide accessible parking spaces

If you have parking on your property, make sure that there are plenty of accessible spaces for people with disabilities to use. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires businesses to provide at least one accessible space per 25 standard parking spots, so if you have 50 spaces, you should have at least three designated as accessible parking spots.

If there aren’t any spots available on site, you can lease or rent an off-site lot where there are plenty of accessible spots available. This is only required if the business is owned by a private entity; government-owned buildings don’t need to provide off-site parking for disabled individuals unless they are providing transportation services to them as well.

3. Utilize Indoor Mapping

Indoor mapping is a great way to help people with disabilities navigate your building. Using a service like MappedIn, you can create a map of the inside of a shopping mall or building and add markers for each accessible feature, such as ramps, elevators, restrooms, etc. This will make it easier for people with disabilities to know which features are available in your building and where they are located.

4. Create clear signage for accessibility features

Even if you have ramps or curb cuts leading up to your doors, not everyone will know how to use them properly or even know they exist at all! Make sure that your building is clearly marked with signs letting people know where the entrance is located and how they can access it safely.

It might be helpful to include instructions on using your building’s accessibility features in your signage as well! You can also install Braille signs for blind individuals who may need assistance navigating around your property.

5. Install Braille signage in restrooms

Many people with vision impairments don’t want to use accessible bathrooms because they don’t have Braille signage telling them where everything is located! If you have an accessible bathroom on site, make sure that the signs in the restroom clearly indicate what’s there so that someone who is blind or visually impaired knows exactly where everything is located. You can also install signs above sinks letting people know how much soap is left so they don’t run out unexpectedly while washing their hands!

6. Make sure your website works for everyone

If you have a website that customers can access from anywhere in the world, make sure it works well for everyone by using a tool like Google Chrome Accessibility Viewer to test it out before going live! It might be helpful to include instructions on your website if you have any accessibility features on it (like zoomable photos) so that people with disabilities can easily use your product or service.

7. Install overhead signage for people who are hard of hearing

If you have a lot of employees or customers who are hard of hearing, it might be helpful to install overhead signs letting them know what’s going on in the building at any given moment. The signs can be used to communicate emergency messages, such as “Fire drill in progress” or “Employee meeting in conference room A.”

8. Provide alternative formats for your information

Many people with disabilities don’t want to use accessible services because they don’t have access to the same information that others do! If you provide a product or service that requires a person to sign up online, make sure that you offer an alternative format for signing up if a person is unable to sign up online. For example, if someone wants to apply for a job with your company but can’t submit an application online due to a disability, make sure that you have paper applications available so they can still apply.

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