KBAS Studio won the competition for a 9/11 memorial based in New York for the Pentagon victims. KBAS indented the memorial to provoke though and at the same time to let the visitors decide how to feel. 184 memorial components are precisely placed along Age Lines, which are parallel to the course of flight 77.
Each component is a mark of a birth year that ranges from 1930 to 1998. Each individuals name is engraved at the end of the cantilever, which sits above a pool of water. These engraved components where fabricated in a computer modeling lab. The lab consists of a CNC (computer numerically controlled) machine and highly specialized stainless steel.
The materials along with the environment put an emphasis on life. On the site of the memorial they plated stunning exfoliating bark will register their growth into the future. Surronding the perimeter there is a bench that is backed by a soft border of ornamental landscape.
By Andreas Papazafeiropoulos