What Is the Average Architect Salary And How To Increase It?

Do you feel underappreciated as an architect? Well, you’re not alone. Thousands of architects worldwide earn relatively low salaries, especially considering the extra hours they work and the multiple tasks they perform. However, this definitely is not true for all architects.

According to recent research, the average architect salary was approximately $72,000. The study has also concluded that the highest-paid, most experienced architects, who have gained experience and practiced architecture for years, earned over $119,000.

In this article, we provide you with some practical tips on increasing your average architect salary.

See more:  New Research Shows Construction Workers Earn More Than Architects!

1. Take up extra freelance work

Average Architect Salary Arch2O


According to the career matching platform “Sokanu,” an architect’s salary in the US usually starts from $37,052 and can go up to $116,491. Freelance work will increase your experience and will help you add more bonus cash to your primary salary.

Besides improving technical skills, freelance work can also improve your soft skills. Negotiating with clients, giving presentations, and marketing your work are useful skills to learn as an architect and can help you in the long run.

See more:

What Skills Do You need to add to Your Resumé to Join High-Profile Firms?

5 Tips To Get An Architecture Job From An Online Post

2. Get better certifications

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“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” – Benjamin Franklin.

Although experience is usually the number 1 criterion for most employers, getting extra certifications will make your CV stand out. Additionally, specialization in a specific branch can help you excel in the field and earn more money.

What makes you stand out from others? If you want to thrive in architecture, you must constantly update your skills. This includes gaining knowledge and getting extra qualifications like a Master’s Programme or a LEED certification, one of the most recognized accreditations globally.

Administered by the USGBC (United States Green Building Council), LEED Green Associate and LEED AP credentials are popular tools among architects to boost your knowledge and experience with the green building industry. Here are some links that can help you prepare for the LEED exams:

3. Networking is king

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They say, “If you want to go fastgo alone. If you want to go far, go together.” This seems to apply to many businesses, including the architecture industry.

They definitely won’t teach you that in school, but networking is crucial for most architects, especially the wealthy ones. Not only can networking help you climb the career ladder and get extra commissions, but it can also help you start your own business.

Suppose you are looking for a business partner to cooperate with to open your architecture firm or a supplier for furniture or even investors. In that case, networking might be your best bet.

4. Become an architecture software geek

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The pencil and computer are if left to their own devices, equally dumb and only as good as the person driving them.— Sir Norman Foster.

Whether you want to work independently as a freelancer, with an architecture firm, or even open your studio, you must have a strong background in architecture software. Many architecture firms pay the highest salary to architecture visualizers.

According to the American worldwide employment search engine,” indeed,” the average salary for “architectural visualization” ranges from approximately $47,321 to $100,669 annually. The better you present and market the company’s work to clients, the higher they pay you.

This can also be a great way to earn extra cash, like in point 1. Start by picking a software tool like 3Ds Max or Autodesk Revit and focus on becoming the best one to use it. You can start right now; here are some important links that will put you on track:

If you are still hesitant, here is an article that summarizes the essential software for architects and will help you determine first which software to excel in.

8 Architectural Design Software That Every Architect Should Learn

5. Market yourself

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©Daniel Gullan, issuu.com

If you really want to, you need to get some exposure and put yourself out there. You can do this in many ways, depending on whether you are an individual or have your firm. Even if you work freelance, setting up a solid online portfolio on websites such as Behance, ISSUU, Carbonmade, and Coroflot.

Not sure where to start? Check out our article: 10 Tips for Creating a Winning Architecture Portfolio

6. Switch jobs

Although most architects tend to play it safe and stay in one firm for a long time, research suggests switching might increase the possibility of a salary raise. Of course, this depends on your experience and how long you have worked at a particular architecture firm or studio.

According to Forbes magazine, an employee earns a 10%-20% average salary increase when starting a new job. Although architects sometimes take a long time to adapt to a specific job, beware of getting swallowed inside your comfort zone.

See more: 10 Reasons for Young Architects to Work in Small Architecture Firms

7. Go for a minimalistic lifestyle

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No matter how much you manage to increase your salary, you won’t really feel any difference if you frequently spend it on unnecessary items. For many architects, the reason they feel dissatisfied with their salary is that they spend it right away.

While there is nothing wrong with spoiling yourself occasionally, having less stuff and cutting down on your expenses will make a significant difference in how you manage your salary in the long run. The less you spend, the wealthier you become.

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