SO-IL chosen for art museum at the University of California’s

UC Davis today announced that it has selected the team of Bohlin Cywinski Jackson, Solid Objectives – Idenburg Liu (SO-IL) and Whiting-Turner to design the Jan Shrem and Maria Manetti Shrem Museum of Art,  the campus’s planned art museum, envisioned as a regional center of experimentation, participation and learning. The team was selected from a pool of three finalists following a five-month design competition with extensive involvement of students and others in the community.

The 4000-square-metre canopy will stretch out across the entire site, creating varying degrees of shelter in different sections. “Its form and its shape are an abstract patchwork of geometric forms that in a way refers to the agricultural landscape and the vast horizon,” says SO-IL’s Florian Idenburg.

Beneath the roof, the building will contain galleries for the University of California’s collection of artworks, as well as temporary exhibition spaces, lectures rooms, studios and artists’ residences.
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