Unnumbered sparks | Janet Echelman and Aaron Koblin

Creative artist, Janet Echelman, the founder of Studio Echelman, in collaboration with artist Aaron Koblin, the Creative Director of the Data Arts Team in Google’s Creative Lab, have worked together to create what they call unnumbered sparks. This project is the most interactive sculpture installation to date at the TED Conference’s 30th anniversary, March 2014, in the sky of downtown Vancouver, Canada.

Courtesy of Janet Echelman and Aaron Koblin

It is a sculpture that is a ghostly net that shimmers with vibrant colors that glow with a span of 745 feet. Digital characteristics that are vibrant are rooted within the aerial fabric that defines the relationship between the public and the sculpture. This is truly an interactive piece of art that allows viewers to interact with the floating net via smart phones or tablets.

Courtesy of Janet Echelman and Aaron Koblin

With a smart phone or table a viewer is able to animate beams of light transversely on the sculpture at a large scale. Small movements made on the device create drawings of light that are hundreds of feet long on the surface.

The creative team at google explains, “When you look at the sculpture, you’re looking at a web browser” the add that “the light on the sculpture is actually a single full screen google chrome window over 10 million pixels in size”. The public then acts as the choreographers in real time through their multimedia devices.

Courtesy of Janet Echelman and Aaron Koblin

 By Andreas Papazafeiropoulos
