A Different Kind of Portrait | Kristin Hoover – Arch2O


Whether it is architecture, writing, or photography, I prefer to be hands on with my art so that I’m always in control with what I produce. This series of photographs that I’m currently working on titled “A Different Kind of Portrait” utilizes black and white film photography that I have shot, developed, and printed myself. Each board attempts to highlight the essence of the model through story in order to give the viewer a stronger understanding about the person in the photograph. In most cases I took into account the person’s background, interests, and character as well as several darkroom techniques to emphasize the qualities of each person including double exposures, dodging, and burning. With digital photography there’s a sense of instant gratification that can easily lead to images that are snap shots rather than art where one can take hundreds of photos in a matter of minutes. Although that has its advantages, with a little time, work, and effort, film photography can be just as rewarding, if not more, and produce amazing works of art as it has done for decades.

Courtesy Of Arch2O


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