A Word from ArchO – Students Week 7

Students Week 7

Here we go again, as we meet in our semi annual Student Week competition where it gives us great pleasure to announce our selection of the best submitted projects, as we start the public voting period.

Our audience will have the chance to vote on the top 5 projects (Finalists) between the period of 21st Feb – 15th of March. Our Student Week 7 marks the third year of the competition that was initially established in 2012 to recognize students’ outstanding ideas through the novel use of design technology, materials, aesthetics, and spatial organizations.

We at Arch2O have received more than 423 projects from 15 countries across the globe. Our selection criteria focused on three main aspects; the level of creativity, clarity, and the quality of the presentation. Public voting and sharing of projects is one factor in selecting the finalists, however, it is not the sole element for evaluation. After the public voting ends on 15th of March at 23.59 pm, only the top five projects will receive finalists’ certificate from Arch2O.

Again, many thanks to everyone who took part in our students’ week 7, and we hope you enjoy our selection of the projects and look forward to your participation in the public voting.

Arch2O Director
Ibrahim A.I. Abdelhady
