ALLURE – XXL origami | FRESH Architectures

ALLURE – XXL origami is designed by FRESH Architectures, In the vanguard of contemporary architecture, the new Clichy-Batignolles neighborhood (PARIS) bears the hallmark of preliminary workshops of which it resulted between the converter, the contracting authorities and the two architectural firms Itar and Fresh (agent): diversity and cohabitation are its trademarks. Lot O6B in the Clichy-Batignolles quarter accommodates a new XXL origami design, a product of the dialogue between the two architectural firms, Fresh and Itar, for two contracting authorities, Ogic and Demathieu Bard Immobilizer, hired here to reinvent types of housing.

photography by © David Foessel

An architectural polyphony of 121 accommodations is available to buyers and renters in accordance with three distinct options: 3-story urban houses, a 7-story building, and a 15-story tower, in other words, 50 meters that are set up like the mast of a ship. It is possible, on each of its sides to focus the telescope on the great landscape that is Paris and its famous landmarks: on the Martin-Luther-King Park and the higher-level court to the north, on the Défense to the west, on the Eiffel tower to the south and on Montmartre to the east.

photography by © David Foessel

Project Info:
Architects: FRESH Architectures
Location: Martin Luther King Park, 147 Rue Cardinet, 75017 ParisFrance
Project Leaders: FRESH Architectures (Agent Architects) Itar Architecture (Partners Architects)
Area: 8500.0 m2
Project Year: 2018
Photographs: David Foessel
Project Name: ALLURE – XXL origami
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