Mixed-use Building in Beirut | BAD Architects

Mixed-use Building in Beirut by BAD Architects

Built by Associative Data (known as BAD architects), the K1299 is a new mixed-use building in Beirut, Lebanon where the designers employ a technique that relies on data analysis to figure out optimal design solutions. In this project, BAD defines a set of parameters based on which they came up with their concept. These parameters are, mainly, traffic noise, view orientation, solar radiation, building program, and market potential. They were determined after studying the K1299 site and pointing out its problems represented in a busy street to the south and a steep terrain to the north. The final design achieves the maximum high performance possible by dealing with each of the parameters.

K1299 – Courtesy of BAD Architects

They solve the traffic noise issue by using a “stepped volume strategy” which helps in reducing the noise to its lowest level. Open floor plans are adopted for maximum flexibility. That is in addition to applying shading devices to minimize the glare. All these solutions make for a highly efficient workspace.

K1299 – Courtesy of BAD Architects

As for the terrain, the issue was resolved by introducing a secondary entrance on the fourth floor, and connecting it to the street by a garden.

K1299 – Courtesy of BAD Architects

They, finally, give the layout an aesthetic value by adding terraces and vast, spectacular views. According to BAD, the final outcome is “quantitatively optimized and qualitatively conceived.”
