Artist Made a LEGO minifigure Resume of HIMSELF to Stand out from Competitors

Meet the tough challenging career opportunities with a smile. This is what Andy Morris’ LEGO Minifigure Resume would exactly do for him. In addition, it will distinguish him from others as he uses it to present his Curriculum vitae. That is quite a riddle, eh?

Courtesy of Andy Morris, Photography: shortbygoldcut

Andy Morris, who studied design, graduated recently from the University of South Wales. His design talents enabled him to create his LEGO Minifigure.

“Unwrap your newest employee”, is how Andy promoted himself intelligently to his employers on the outer paper packaging.

Courtesy of Andy Morris, Photography: shortbygoldcut

Once unwrapped, the employers will find Andy’s little plastic version inside some neat packaging that says, “limited availability”. They would also find his CV typed on the back of the packaging as well as Andy’s website links, contact info, and experience.


Courtesy of Andy Morris, Photography: shortbygoldcut

His lego Minifigure comes in a cap, grey pants, and a red jacket. The toy, also, comes with a CV and a laptop bag. Morris, who is an interior designer and artist, claims that he has “never been happier” in his career life.

The innovative fun way which he created will showcase his skills along with his CV and will definitely catch the eyes of his potential employers.
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