I've written before about what makes something architecture. It is something that I think we should be keenly interested in while being not that worried about ...
Photography by Ā© Sophia Smith Things are (almost) always better when they are done in collaboration. 'What should go on the outside of our buildings' is one ...
Form Follow | Daan MulderĀ Form may follow function but in this sofa design, form follows line, leading to function. Form Follow, designed by Daan Mulder, is ...
Continuity and gradients are two driving factors which influenced SPAN (matias del CAMPO & sandra MANNINGER) in their design for the New Maribor Art ...
Courtesy of Ā© Supermachine Studio Water is rapidly becoming one of the greatest challenges to the world as we know it. Not only shortages but also massive ...
Photography by Ā©Ā Saunders Architecture Can we start this article off with a collective 'Oh Damn!'? This amazing work of bent-lamination boggles the mind. The ...
Designer Hailey Chan; Danielle of Bravo models-Tokyo, Japan; photographer Yanzhou Bao and MUA Vivi Suzuki together created the art piece titled 'Color of ...
CHAIRity Rafael Morgan This chair designed by Rafael Morgan says something very interesting about how we give charitably and how we view charity itself. The ...
The Changing Room. There is quite a question contained within the walls of this instillation for the 2008 Venice Biennale, designed by UNStudio. Is it possible ...
The SpiralShelf was designed and built by Matt Davis, who is... me. The helix is made of shaped red oak. 2āx.75āx10ā strips were cut and glued in stacks of ...
Uchronia. A wonder of wood and fastenings that arches overhead in defiance of what a temporary structure is thought to be. This work of art, created by Arne ...
The Zen Armchair by Rafeal Morgan is a piece of clean lines, simple formal executions, and apparent impossibility. It's an impossibility that I'm not even sure ...