Designed by Wilson Architects + Architects North, James Cook University identified a need to upgrade its Townsville Campus to provide improved student services ...
Downtown Santa Monica Hotels are designed by Gwynne Pugh Urban Studio + Gene Fong Associates, The process of designing two new hotels at 5th Street and ...
School Of Visual Arts is designed by Barclay & Crousse, Extending a building vertically is a difficult task, especially when time separates the original ...
The Nolitan Hotel is a 55 room boutique property in downtown Manhattan. It also features a restaurant grade and a roof deck. The building, interiors, ...
Conceived as an arts hub in a rapidly changing district near downtown Omaha, an experimental theater opens to the city outdoors through a public open space ...
SAC Federal Credit Union was designed by Leo A Daly, Located in a blighted area of Omaha, Nebraska, USA and abandoned for over two years, a former Hollywood ...
The One Workplace Headquarters project was a unique opportunity for both One Workplace and for Design Blitz. One Workplace is the largest furniture dealer in ...
Anschutz Health and Wellness Center was designed by CannonDesign, A building dedicated to fighting obesity and promoting wellness, Anschutz Health and Wellness ...
Zhengtong BMW Museum, A museum of vintage BMWs is opening this month in Beijing, China. Crossboundaries’ design for the gallery space brings forth the ...
Canalla Disco aimed to re-organize an existing nightclub, whose leitmotiv was grounded in sparkling, colored lights inside a dark box. The nightclub is then ...
106 Dwellings in Pamplona was designed by Tabuenca Saralegui, The project comprises three buildings acting as a unit within a complete block of the New ...
Horizon Media, the largest privately held media company in the country, needed a drastic change to their office space due to immense growth. Situated on 9 ...