User Posts: yosra

Not a usual thing to see paintings with an expiration date; rather a short one. Most artists –if got the chance- would make their paintings immortal, unlike ...

The location for the 11th edition of Manifesta (11th June-18th Sep. 2016) -a German biennial of art- will be marked by the creation of ETH students; a floating ...

Coming from a third-world country where over half the population is under poverty line, I sure come through poverty scenes on a daily basis. Through my ...

Augustine Kofie, is an obsessively organized artist, maybe that is the main originator of his new collection “INVENTORY” that will be shown in a solo ...

Cyber Garden You can’t help but feel intrigued by the thought of experimenting with architecture, especially when it comes to developing an architectural ...

Have you ever thought what the world looks like in an eye of an animal, don't you just look at your dog and just wonder how do they see us?. A question that ...

With over 600 participants, the jury finally chose the top 5 photos taken by the Londeners  and were announced at the opening of the Leadenhall ...

You would never think -in your wildest dreams- that mechanics (gears, hypocycloid reducers, cams, linkages) can appear so elegant and beautiful. A creation of ...

As a tourist, a travel-loving person, you surely understand what am talking about when I say Busy Landmarks. Worst thing that can happen is planning a trip to ...

I had to write about those wonderful architects, who happen to be women, to showcase their legacy. as powerful humans who made great contributions to our built ...

Collection of AirPano 360° Panoramic Views Unlike viewing a traditional photograph limited by its frame, or watching a film that follows its director's idea, ...

 Jianzi Box Pavilion Features the Dynamic Public Spaces of Beijing in Design Week 2015 Notes on being Young Beijing Design Week was big, complicated, and ...

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