The first image that comes to mind when one hears ‘public bench’ is that of a heavy steel built permanent street furniture. Well, it’s time to say goodbye to that bench and gear up to welcome the next generation – A new age trendy public bench. This boomerang bench created by Anna Szonyi has been visualized as a public seating installation in Dubai. As the name suggests, the boomerang bench is designed out of multiple repetitive elements that resemble the shape of a boomerang. The elements of this simple yet beautiful piece of furniture are adaptive and flexible. They can be rotated in an angle of 90 degrees along a linear path which allows the users to move and adjust their seats the way they wish to. These boomerang shaped wooden members are supported by a bracket of steel in a mirrored version of the above members, adding to the simplicity and elegance of the design. This flexible piece of furniture has been selected as the winning entry for Urban commissions in their annual competition that intends to encourage the various local creative-productive industries. The Boomerang Bench now occupies a place of pride in the Dubai Design District (D3).
By: Priyanka Shah