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can you hear people living in this skin?
The braille instrument is living system that enables its users to hear the activities raher than to see it. it is an experimental project that hopes to provoke humans perception about sound in a building. the site located in sihhiye, ankara, turkey offred a very interesting transition zone. tt was present in between two major activity areas, one was the kurtlus parki and second was the bazar. it was very in teresting to see that both these spaces had an interesting sound quality a sort of a package that never intersects with one another. the idea was to intoduce a design that composes both packages and also allows users to use them to guide and hear through the building.
for this urpose, we needed to be careful while selecting the audience of the building which were blind sudents of the universiy capus who relied solely on the sound for guidence. wih the design and interventions one can hear he building in its time of usage. it’s an experiment to break the visual narratives of building and introduce another perception into the architecture.
Designer: Sana ejaz
Instructors: Clal abdi guzer, lale ozgenel, yesim
University: (project done as erasmus student): middle est tchnichal university
Home University: national university of science and technology
Year: 2016
Project Timeline: 3 months
Year: 4th year graduation project
Email: [email protected]