Eduardo de Almeida and Rodrigo Mindlin Loeb sign the design of the Brasiliana Library. The building, with more than 20,000 m², will house a collection of rare books of 17,000 titles about Brazil donated by the collector of books to the university.
At the end of 1999, José Mindlin transferred to his grandson, Rodrigo Mindlin Loeb, and his friend Eduardo de Almeida, a mission: to develop and advance the idea and design of the library to house the rare collection of books: the largest and the most The most important private collection in Brazil with around 17 thousand titles and 60 thousand volumes, which he has donated to the University of São Paulo (USP). When Mindlin died, in February 2010, at the age of 95, construction work advanced on financial and political difficulties, and the conclusion was only a matter of time.
The 21,950 m2 building seeks inspiration from well-known libraries around the world, such as the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, at Yale University, USA. UU., And the Saint Geneviève Library, in Paris, France. The Library of Congress, Washington, was a consultant to define conservation parameters
The complex will house the important collection of the Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros (IEB) (Institute of Brazilian Studies), a bookstore, cafeteria, exhibition hall and an auditorium with capacity for 300 people.
The design took into consideration the environmental and sustainable directions. All spaces are connected by a large independent roof structure with a laminated glass central cover, which allows natural light, energy saving, with an additional system of UV filters and a perforated plate roof, which protects from radiation direct solar The Institute of Electronics and Electronics (IEE) of USP developed a photovoltaic power generation plant on the roof structure. With 150kw capacity, it can provide all the power supply during the day.
The integrated landscape will generate a small-scale forest around the building. Some trees were transplanted to allow construction, and thousands of trees were planted in the neighborhood as environmental compensation.
The Brasiliana Guita and José Mindlin Library consumed around the US $ 63 million. In addition to USP resources, the construction was supported and sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, the Lampadia Ministry of Culture Foundation, BNDES and through the cultural support law of Rouanet, Petrobras, CBMM, CSN, Fundação Telefônica, Suzano Papel e Celulose, Votorantim, Santander Group, Raízen, Cosan, Natura and CPFL.
Project Info:
Architects: Eduardo de Almeida, Mindlin Loeb + Dotto Arquitetos
Location: Biblioteca Brasiliana, Cidade Universitária – USP, São Paulo, Brazil
Project Area: 21,950 square meters
Project Year: 2013
Photographs: Nelson Kon
Manufacturers: ULMA Architectural Solutions, Hunter Douglas US, Penetron, Werden, Reinstall, Wall Systems, Fortemetal, Neocom, Previnsect, Sul Metais, Estrutel, Dutotec
Products: Air Facade Panels
Project Name: Brasiliana Library