C.F. moller reveals a wooden proposal for skyscraper in stockholm

 In HSB Stockholm architectural 2023 draws three architecture groups on innovative proposals for future housing three different locations in central Stockholm. Berg | CF Møller’s proposal is a 34 story apartment building in wood.

Berg | CF Møller Architects is working with architects DinellJohansson and consulting Tyréns about the competition. The team is based in the height of a 34 story residential building that will be visible from afar.

The house is built around a wooden construction with stabilizing concrete core, and will be a new distinctive landmark and meeting place in the city.

Both the social and environmental sustainability is integrated into the project: Each apartment will have an energy-efficient glazed porch, and the building itself gets energy from solar cells on the roof. At street level there is a café and a kindergarten and a new kvartershus to all residents of the area enjoy the marketplace, gym and bike depot. A common winter garden allows for allotments.

From 5 June all proposals seen on HSB Stockholm’s Facebook page. Here you can also vote for your favorite and thus help to influence how future housing in Stockholm should look like.

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