Ahh, art. You gotta love it for what it is and exactly what it is not. I’ve lived by the maxim ‘It’s always better to ask forgiveness than permission’ for the longest time and perhaps that is what I like so much about art. Street art in particular. It doesn’t bother asking people if they might like some livening up of the environment, artists just do it and never mind who does and does not like it.
These life-size Monopoly pieces, located disparately around Chicago, are done by an artist, or a group of artists known as Bored, who said about the works-
The goal of this entire project has been to present something different than a stencil painted on the ground or a poster pasted to a wall. Something 3-dimensional that can be picked up, beaten down, kicked, yanked, grabbed, and broken. And if someone ever put forth the effort to remove it, like a weed it will always grow back. And if left alone it will evolve into something different.
Well, thank you sir, sirs, ma’am, miss, misses, or persons.