Cocoon | MEDAARCH / Co-de-iT

Employing Rhino, Grashopper and Kangaroo students were able to design and build to an optimum level this cardboard hexagonal cocoon.

Courtesy of Medaarch

Tutors Andrea Graziano and Amleto Picerno, step by step, introduced the participants to the concepts of computational design and digital fabrication through an introduction to using Rhino, Grashopper and Kangaroo. Grasshopper insured the optimization of all different panels that constitute the pavilion.

Courtesy of Medaarch

The system provides the fins, for each side of the hexagon, that can then be folded onto each other at a perfect 45 degree angle thanks to the cutter. Cocoon has been designed as a continuation of the opposite bookshop and formalized as an organism that wants to prevail on the room that receives it, and want to show through the glass walls that surround it.The participants to the workshop, once defined the area in Rhinoceros, have learned how to divide in hexagons in a complex surface and planarize the panels obtained, in order to make them printable, in straight line, by a cutter. Once optimized planar components of the surface, has been studied the generation of the pattern to be applied to the ring, with the intent to lighten the structure and create a permeability between interior and exterior space.

By Danya
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