Convoluted Corrosion M[C]2 | Dessau Institute of Architecture

Granted the phrase “city of the future” still conjures up a lot of ideas and requirements on how our cities will look like in the  future, but a team from Dessau Institute of Architecture, created a new stunning concept of a new future city that was one of many other projects representing Slovenia at the 13th Venice Architecture Biennale. More from the team comes after the break

Courtesy of Matias del Campo, Sandra Manninger and their team

The Convoluted Corrosion project is the future city concept for Maribor, Slovenia. The main idea of the project is to simulate the future city growth and expansion in the span of 100years. Based on the “Urban Millennium” fact that majority of people worldwide will be living in towns or cities, which is caused by increasing factor of rural-urban migration.

After studying and analyzing the needs of the city and possibilities of its growth, the idea of living organism as a city that is continuously consuming and producing. These characteristics of metabolism have been simulated to generate continuous growth and reproduction of aggregated formations in the city.

Courtesy of Matias del Campo, Sandra Manninger and their team

The exponential growth of the cellular formation simulates the condition for the city’s urban evolution and development in the next century.

The density variation of the cellular field that interacts with the terrain and achieves a topological spatial quality that creates a convoluted modular condition. Generating the field with specific urban qualities, that can allow and act as an interactive fabric, which is adaptable to change, and expansion.

Courtesy of Matias del Campo, Sandra Manninger and their team


Project name: Convoluted Corrosion M[C]2
Project Information: The City of Maribor and the 100 Year City project were representing Slovenia at the 13th Venice Architecture Biennale.
Studio Leader Names: Matias del Campo, Sandra Manninger
School: Dessau Institute of Architecture
Country: Germany
Team Members: Ana Stefanovic, Andrew Mogylnyi, Claudia Stoica, Mahmoud El Hakim, Sebastian Białkowski, Xintian Li.
Courtesy of Matias del Campo, Sandra Manninger and their team
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