In the recent years 3D-Printing has evolved into a mainstream manufacturing technology, covering a wide range of applications. Nowadays, this additive process can be applied even for the creation of full-scale structures.
Michael Hansmeyer and Benjamin Dillenburger, Swiss architects and programmers, fabricated a human scale architectural construction taking advantage of the 3D printing by means of sandstone-printing. The extension of this technology will in the future enable architects to apply this innovative 3d printing process not only for the creation of small scale models, but also for development and manufacturing of full scale design projects.
“One of the most astounding things is that it costs exactly as much to 3D print a plain box as it does to print the most elaborate form conceivable,” says Hansmeyer. “Not only are the costs identical, but the amount of time required is the same as well.
And it doesn’t cost more to print a different form each time i.e. there are no advantages to standardization. The implications of this are huge. There is no longer a cost for complexity. No cost for ornament. No cost for individuality”.
By Depy Charalampidou