After a 5-day intensive workshop training in Grasshopper and Rhinoceros, a Russian group has created plywood hand assembled form. The object is reminiscent of an aquatic creature with its scale-like attachments extenuating the underlying geometry of its skeletal structure.
The speed of replication and ease in construction demonstrates the system’s capabilities in the emerging technological design revolution. The possibilities of creating otherwise unimaginable forms are liberating the architectural industry from the conventional two-dimensional micro façade to the three-dimensional micro façade.
Some critiques may consider this as unnecessary ornamentation, however, I believe these technologies of geometrical creation and laser cutting, have the potential to bring back the micro scale of what once was paramount in styles such as the ‘arts and crafts’. The scale of the finger has for too long been unrecognized.
We must embrace not only the texture of the material but the micro geometrical properties as essential constituents in our experience of touch itself. As manufacture becomes progressively easier and cheaper, and techniques are refined, the question in parametric manufacture potentially may be redefined from ‘why do’ to one of ‘why not’?