Frozen Crashing Wave Glass Vessels
Ever wondered what getting trapped in the middle of a tall wave would feel like? Ever missed the salty spray of the ocean on your face in your uptown penthouse and your fast paced life?
Inspired by these emotions and their love for ocean waves, California based sculptors Paul DeSomma and Marsha Blaker have created what can easily be termed as a surfer’s dream and for all those who haven’t lived that life, you should probably get your hands on one of these.
A series of glass sculptures and vases that freeze in time the crashing of waves and replicate that feeling of being engulfed by a cool blue wave on a hot summer’s day, the finesse and seamless blending in of the gradients along with the intricate detailing down to white froth formed by crashing waves can be credited for the life like detailing that is seen on the sculptures. The intricacy of colours and textures seen on the sculptures is exemplary of the dedication and time spent by the couple towards them.
While they both have worked collaboratively on the glass sculptures, their individual areas of expertise can clearly be seen in the finished product. With Blaker working on the colours and textures and DeSomme working on the clarity of form of the clear glass, the couple has produced yet another such piece for which they are internationally known.