Beautiful. In a world of crumbling, aging buildings, where many times one outlasts its neighbor, this, the Green Side-Wall, designed by Capella Garcia Arquitectura is a brilliant solution.
A free-standing entity in its own right, this plant support structure forms a protective mass of plant life to cover a blind wall left by the demolition of a building’s neighbor. Located in Barcelona, this project was promoted by the Barcelona City Council in order to clean away the negative visual message being sent by the significant marks of decay left behind.
The free standing form, with its own foundation, stands close and parallel to the existing facade. As it climbs 21 metres, the form narrows slightly and gradually. Modular flower and vegetation planters are located on galvanized steel platforms from the first to the eighth floor. The are limitedly accessible by stairs climbing up behind the planters. This differentiates this green wall from other which generally require service and replanting to be performed from the outside, necessitating scaffolding and specialized labour. All requirements for cleaning, safety and timeline sustainability, are covered by the addition of these stairs. The addition of a pulley system makes transport of materials feasible as well.
No only does the wall clean the air in and around the structure, but the auxiliary components built for its mainanence are also nature conscious. The irrigation is performed by a programmed, drop-by-drop system with controlled drainage and automatic doses of fertilizers. In addition, there are also nesting boxes for birds!