Hello Strangers! Pavilion | Margaret Jo

To live in a city is to live with strangers. In an urban context, each of us is individually a stranger in the midst of strangers. As time goes by, advanced technologies allow us to be conncected online to all people around the world. This, is a big leap for humanity.

Despite all the goodness we benefit from that, we have gradually lost touch with strangers in the offline world. Urbanites seem to have forgotten what it is like to get to know new people vis-Ă -vis. To brush shoulders with passerbys once in a while.

To meet and have a light chat with someone new just around the corner. And quintessentially, to simply be an urban adventurer in the sea of anonymity.

courtesy of Margaret Jo

Hello strangers! is a pavilion aiming to trigger more interactions between strangers in one of the crowdest pedestrian crossings in Sudirman strip, Jakarta. Site is a street belt, of which a part is shaded by a flyover connecting Casablanca to Tanah Abang, and acts as a home to an active bus shelter with two enclosed mini-gardens at sides.

Through a series of thorough theoritical research and conceptual thinking, backed by periodic observations, it comes to a conclusion that an architectural design featuring disruptions, a series of connected rooms, and urban play offers the key at best.

courtesy of Margaret Jo

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