Hideaway Chair
As a child, there are few things which top a good hiding place! Think & Shift, an Auckland-based design studio, created “Hideaway” chair for childcare company New Shoots, with this in mind: “a space for children to get away from the noise and chaos of their surrounding environment“. The final product is a comfortable sitting place for children, perfectly adapted to theirs and to their caretaker’s needs, as well as an aesthetically pleasing design piece for adults. The height of the chair tells children that it was especially designed for them, while its curvy interior allows them to sit in any position they please – as the designers noticed, children sit differently than adults. Since one of the client’s requests was the use of local, sustainable materials, the chair was realized with hard bent plywood produced locally.It is extremely user friendly – the gaps between the four curved wooden panels let dirt fall through, while the inner material can be easily removed for cleaning. Likewise, the panels are fixed with clips that allow them to be removed for cleaning or replacement. The chair is a satisfaction to both, children – as it helps them feel safe and comfortable, and adults alike – thanks to its user-friendliness and nice contemporary design. Currently it is used in New Shoots childcare facilities around New Zealand and it is being developed for internal distribution.
By: Ana Cosma