Historical Journey Through 10 Pairs Of High Fashion Heels

10 Pairs Of High Fashion Heels

Nick Adleman, an artist who’s chosen mediums such as paint, photography and shoe design, expresses his love for Art History in these unique illustrations. Adelman challenged himself to encompass different cultures’ art in a fashion medium of exquisite couture shoes. Calling them a work of art is in an understatement ! It couldn’t be more perfectly named, A Walk Through Art History. This collection embodies and beautifully translates everything I adore about the point where fashion and culture meet.

Courtesy of Nick Adleman

While each piece is an artistic masterpiece itself, they also illustrate the art and culture of ten diverse eras in history in a most beautiful way.  Adelman describes his fashion in his blog] as the following, “I designed these shoes with a unique goal in mind: to create a shoe as a summation of an entire culture’s art. Each shoe possesses design qualities, color palettes, and designs only found in the respective culture. This project allowed me to investigate art historical cultures in a special way by challenging myself to translate an entire style (or series of styles) onto a single object.”

Courtesy of Nick Adleman


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