The Global Warming Effect
“Oh,” gasped you, exhausted by your few hours of labor with the dirt as your rumbling tummy wailed. But “no,” insisted you. You would stay focused and build that castle with sand, water, and air. And you would live in it, far from the reach of every annoying adult. So you set out; Determined, undeterred, and will of steel.
On and on, You labored. Seconds, minutes, hours on end… the time just kept ticking… Then came the dusk with the stars too far away to light up your site. So, you set out for a rest. You would be back for construction by daybreak O’Clock. While you slept, disaster came marching. But poor innocent bingo the dog, doing what he could – playing e’er so happily and down came your castle.
All your labor, torn down by one moment of careless happiness. How awful you felt. The terrible deed had been done on reaching the construction site in the morning—rubble where your castle had been. Your heart sank… you could almost feel it in your feet…
Now fast track to real-time. Same you. Same dream. Only different toys- for sand, you have hard-earned building materials and scarce means; for a sand castle, you have your future and the future of posterity to build, not with sand but with hard work, blood, and toil. And oh, for Bingo (that ever-restless dog), you have Carbon emissions.
Carbon emissions result from man’s rapid and frequent burning of fossil fuels such as gas, coal, or oil. When burned, these fuels release carbon dioxides into the atmosphere. These carbon dioxides are, in turn, absorbed by plants, purified, and released back to us. Sadly, the plants are being fed more than they can process. These unprocessed carbons are therefore trapped in the atmosphere leading to an increase in the planet’s temperature, known as “Global Warming.”
We must perform our duty and keep carbon emissions on lockdown, reducing them to the bare minimum. No room must be left for procrastination. Now is the time to stand up and fight against carbon emissions. That is the only way to fortify the sophisticated castles you are building for posterity because no matter how posh your construction materials are, they are powerless against the forces of carbon emissions.
Let us not wait for Global Warming to displace us and tear down our hard-earned investments and efforts. Let us walk the talk, build sustainably, and work hard towards achieving 0% carbon emissions.