Kiev UEFA Stadium Redesign | GMP Architekten

Alllrighty then. Well then. When we make things… should we keep them? YES. And this is exactly what has occurred in Ukraine. For the 2012 UEFA Football Championships, the Olympic Stadium in Kiev was repurposed by GMP Architekten. What?! Not a new stadium?! No. Things last more than three weeks. We should reuse them.The new design for the reconstruction pays heed to the historic stance of the existent stadium, with its upper tier filigree of pre-stressed concrete from 1968. The frame for the new roof structure is offset and detached. The new is encased in a new layer of glass filigree which is highlighted and illuminated at nights.

photography by © Marcus Bredt

Covering multiple layers of reconstruction, the new scheme had to incorporate details from some three generations. The 1948 plinth for the stadium was rebuilt and redefined for the contemporary build. The exists with the lower part of the structure, which was also redefined and updated to meet code and modern needs. Areas for players, VIP, and press were inserted into this new area.As a part of the legacy scheme for this redesign, an athletics track will be inserted, making the grounds an all-around structure for sports, which will enhance the athletic stance of the city as a whole in the future.

photography by © Marcus Bredt