Laser-Cut Tales | By Artist Martin Tomsky

Telling a story of Czech publishers and book smugglers through his illustrations is  Martin Tomsky, rather a story inspired by his own parents work and all their smuggled antiques. A complicated story with tangled threads told through the varying tones and depth of his plywood work.From a finely detailed drawings to 3D printers and laser cutters, that’s how the London based artist creations come to live.

Tomsky features the outlines of animal skeletons, heavy forestry, and legendary beasts. His work is a decorative- wall mounted object that tells a story with deep meanings, a sculpture an illustration a craft definitely a piece of art.

Though his work isn’t limited to large production, creating hand size objects featuring rabbits owls and badgers, I find those mythical tales the best of them all.By Yosra Abdel-Rahman
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