I just want to store some data! What can’t we make out of concrete? This stuff is amazing- every time I see something wonderfully simple made out of concrete, I think to myself ‘Self, why didn’t I think of that?’ And you know of course I can never provide myself with a satisfactory answer, but it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter because someone, somewhere has made it and this particular item is only 49 euros, which is ~65 US dollars as of today. I know, I recently bought a great little PNY 4 Gb for $5, but it’s not concrete and truth be told, $65 is really just what we paid for normal flash drives a few years ago.Ohh the clean lines. I wonder how they cast it? I can almost start to see what could be a joint line, but then I think that maybe it’s just a slightly different shade of concrete. I suppose it will just have to be bought to find out.