This design is the design proposal for the Meadows Salford Bridge competition by the designers Alex Daxböck and Chris Precht of Penda design studio. Their design encompasses a strong elliptical element, which at a distance makes the bridge easily mistaken for a suspended bridge. As the seeing eyes get closer, the elliptical-shaped that engulfs the passing pedestrians becomes more apparent. In its immediate location, it can be said that the bridge is in total contrast with its surroundings. This heavy manmade metallic structure sitting in a total setting surrounded by luscious greenery, which makes it stand out greatly. Such an environment will be pleasing to the users as it gives a sense of peacefulness merging the manmade and the natural as if one. This is demonstrated in the way the walkway connects to the terraced landscape, which is used for lounging or even as an open-air theatre.
In construction, the bridge uses a truss system that supports the wooden pathway, with both ends being widened to invite pedestrians to use the platform. The structural element is made by welding steel tubes, which then is supported by two concrete bearings at either end taking the majority of its weight. During the day, sunlight is reflected by suspended cables, in doing so the sun’s energy is stored in LED’s allowing the bridge to emanate a glowing effect at night.

Courtesy of Alex Daxböck and Chris Percht of Penda