Wow. Hoofa. Shazam. Hey. Holy Shneikies! Feel free to add your own expletives, those are all I will provide. These photos of mirror instillations in almost every location type imaginable are a current trend. They cannot be ascribed to one artist in particular. And that makes them all the more interesting and inspiring, really.
What a wonder it would be to come across a reflected datum line in the middle of forest. Or to instantly become the coolest neighbor (albeit probably one which is hated by all birds) when you install your very own mirrored fence?
There is, however, something a little bit sad about these things. It seems that in a world where urbanism is progressing at a seemingly breakneck pace, nature is becoming almost a novelty.
Perhaps these instillations serve to sow us how we urban dwellers have been led astray- to need mirrored images to ignite fascination in nature. The beauty of nature is surely enough and those that regularly dwell amongst it may find these reflected images almost heretical (and perhaps rightly so).