Ninotsminda Border Checkpoint | Luka Machablishvili

Built on a total area of 1.78 hectares and located between the old custom building and border, The Border Checkpoint Terminal in Ninotsminda, , is one of the latest in a string of infrastructure projects in Georgia that is designed by Luka Machablishvili, the building is a modern two storied building that includes all the necessary requirements, both in visual and functional to make the maximum comfort for consumers, the design is is a twisted cascade of concrete forming a checkpoint at the border with Armenia. Project description comes after the jump.

Courtesy of Luka Machablishvili

Project description from Luka Machablishvili:

Project Ninotsminda Custom Terminal is a modern two storied building with 39.4×107.4 meters in size, with a total area of 1.78 hectares and it is located between the old custom building and border.

Courtesy of Luka Machablishvili

Project is considering all modern and necessary requirements, both visual and functional terms, which will make maximum comfort for consumers. Due to its architectural appearance of the building type is best suited to the function. At the same time it has modern conceptual dimensional elements, which visually set rotational form effects around the axis on the façade. The architectural solution is converting building into static dynamic position, which responds dynamic cycle of movement and motion of the custom terminal. It is used modern constructive materials in the project.

Courtesy of Luka Machablishvili

Lateral and longitudinal facades facing materials of dimensional elements are: metal panels, stained-glass windows: black aluminum profiles, internal and external high quality lightnings. The building is a iron-concrete carcass from the construction point of view (columns, plates and crossbars) with flat roofing and banding basement.

Courtesy of Luka Machablishvili