Nulla bike a minimalist bike concept | Bradford Waugh

The discovery and study of new materials – lighter, stronger – the evolution of engineering and design, based on the use of these new materials and supported by software that is increasingly able to achieve ultra-innovative shapes, lead everyday more and more design studios to go beyond the limits and overcome the barriers imposed by the past.

Courtesy of © Bradford Waugh

Bradford Waugh has created a bike that is a metaphor for the development and innovation patent today. Using new materials, lighter and resistant alloys the designer  developed a minimalist bike without central frame, wheel spokes wheels and no chain.

Courtesy of © Bradford Waugh

The pedals transmit kinetic force directly on the wheels. Waugh named this bike “Nulla”, one of the minimalit ways to sy “nothing” in italian, by its nature “Nulla” is an almost “nonexistent” contemporary bike. A bicycle with such a stylized shape, very light and fast, that shows once more that innovation and design have not reached their end point.

Courtesy of © Bradford Waugh