Observation Tower on the River Mur | terrain:loenhart&mayr

Architecture has a unique juxtaposition between and within art, sculpture, engineering, humanities, science and a whole lot of different fields. Much of the work we call architecture has an inherit sculptural aspect to it, sometimes the architecture is lost within the sculpture- not in this observation tower however.

Courtesy of terrain:loenhart&mayr

Terrain:loenhart&mayr;  architects and landscape architects out of Munich, have created an incredible piece of architecture that is so delicate and transparent. From simply looking at it you can almost see the pattern of human movement through the structure and you can sense how the tower engulfs it snuggly.

Courtesy of terrain:loenhart&mayr

Inspired by the historical double spiral staircase in Graz Castle the observation tower has two separate staircases, one for ascending and the other for descending which adds interest, comfort and a unique layer of experience.

By Danya Hakky
