Outdoor Concrete Furniture by cilicon Faytory: I think every design student has at some point or another looked at concrete and said ‘I could make a sweet chair out of that stuff’. I myself have thought this so many times that I’ve lost count. Concrete is the ultimate passive material. It can make almost anything given a sufficiently constructed formwork is constructed for it to conform to. And this has been where it has failed in the past. With concrete, things of apparently little weight are easily made- they just aren’t light weight. With recent leaps in the technology of cements and aggregates and forms, this is becoming no longer the case. Self compacting, fibre-based, lightweight- concrete is no longer just the material that Hadrian’s Villa was constructed of. It was the beginning of concrete furniture.
This collection of outdoor concrete furniture, formed from a lightweight concrete, saddles these recent technological leaps and makes the soft, fluid forms concrete can produce, accessible and usable. The collection consists of a stool, bench, 2-seater, and coffee table. What might be misconstrued as the cheap plastic furniture of school cafeterias and pediatric waiting rooms become viable, real objects of actual merit and esteem by their persistence of quality in design and execution.

Courtesy of Cilicon Faytory