Patterns of Harmony
Inspired by the mysteries of quantum physics, and the simplicity of geometry, Gasper Battha has created a structure that leaves the human mind blown. The installation is created from reflections and projections of cubes, fractals of cubes, a rear-projection, two-way mirror foils, a hexagonal sculpture and animated graphics on the back of the structure.
Light is trapped within these cubes then refracted onto the physical structure constructing what the mind believes are visible geometric shapes. Gaspar then analyzed the dynamics, the frequencies and the speed of the music to add another dimension to his creation.
He pre-composed the reflected shapes and patterns to precisely move to the harmony of the music, the changes in the dynamics of the music resulted in the variations in the generation of the displayed geometric configurations. He made the refracted light beams and simple shapes follow the path of the music creating a never-ending trail of dancing shapes.
By:Ala’ Abuhasan