Computer generated images of the sleek Peugeot onyx were recently leaked revealing stellar design lines. The sharp bodywork calls out with the striking contrast of its materials and colours. Fashioned by hand by a master craftsman, the wings and doors are pure copper sheet. A polished mirror, this metal does not need to resort to tricks to protect itself. So, its appearance will change over time, gaining a patina. The Onyx is alive! As for the other panels of the bodywork, these are carbon fibre, painted matt black.
The car sports masculine, tight, complex and aerodynamic carbon fiber shell weaved in classic sport car proportions. “The silhouette of the Onyx is sculpted softly, sensuously, but it is also alive and technological. From the first sketches I wanted to create a showcase for technological excellence and craftsmanship by combining elements demonstrating high aerodynamic performance, Black Diamond lamps and copper bodywork panels fashioned by hand.” Sandeep Bhambra, Onyx Exterior Stylist “We sought materials fit for a supercar, then they presented themselves of their own accord by their obvious suitability. Carbon for high performance, copper and glass for tradition, felt and paper, natural and used every day.”
Bronze panels over the doors and front wheels along with the double sunroof breath life to the dense, Batmobileish feel and edges of the car. Images of the interior reveal a minimalistic, high-tech, spaceship design. “For the interior, I was inspired by an everyday object, the egg box. With remarkable economy of material, it protects very fragile items. I adapted the concept into an intuitive space, with a minimum of connected parts, to become one with the car.” Julien Cueff, Onyx Interior Stylist