I recently found that I could buy a voice recorder which is hidden within a USB Flash drive. This tiny little thing, such a huge achievement in my mind, is I think exemplary of some of the stuff we as humans are beginning to do with our technology. It’s as if things we make, mostly technology though, must follow this trend: We made it. We made it big. We made it flashy. We made it small. We made it smaller. We made it small, yet fashioned after things we already recognize.
These things are just great. They’re clean and useful, and sexy. These Ready Clips by Aviiq, are based in size upon the standard pen size and have an added clip so that the pocket protecter need not only protect puny pens, but also stylish technology.
Though, as a disclaimer- these things, while stylish, will never make a pocket protecter stylish. You’re on your own for that one. The Ready Clips are available in Micro USB, MINI USB and Apple dock devices.